How to Know if a Guy Likes You or Not

How to Know if a Guy Likes You or Not

John Rushton |

Ladies, we've all been there—the doubts, overanalysing every situation, and the constant questions about whether he likes you.

Sometimes, men can be ambiguous in communicating their feelings and interests, further fuelling doubt and confusion.

However, in most cases, it is possible to know and gauge with relatively high certainty whether he likes you.

He Reciprocates Your Interest

Perhaps the easiest and most guaranteed way to ascertain if a guy likes you is if he is reciprocating your interest in him.

Watch for actions such as calling you at the same rate or more than you do, texting you regularly, following through on plans and promises, and generally wanting to know you and what’s happening in your life.

He Makes Plans and Effort to Spend Time with You

Men are deliberate, and when they like and want you, they will make plans to fulfil this goal.

Don’t just look out for the big, grand gestures, but the small ones that require instinct and spontaneity.

If he wants to watch a movie with you, go on walks with you, and share in the hobbies and activities you like, then he probably likes you a lot.

He Has Positive Body Language

Body language is one of the most effective indicators of how a person is feeling, and it is a skill that has evolved quite efficiently as part of our social arsenal. We can tell when people are uncomfortable, happy, or bored.

In the same way, you can tell if a guy likes you by watching his body language when you are around him.

Does he smile? How enthusiastic is he about participating in activities with you? Actions such as mirroring your mood and behaviour are some of the sure indicators that he likely likes you.

He Communicates Well

While communication skills can sometimes be lacking in some men, the average guy will still showcase excellent communication skills when he likes you.

Look for indicators such as a willingness to open up to you on deep personal issues.

Additionally, a good communication history through constant messaging, calls, and social media interactions is a good indicator that he likes you and wants you to know that.

He Tries to Look Cool and Impress You

Watch out for actions meant to impress you, as this is one sign that he cares about your opinion of him.

Another sign can be when he asks your opinion on things he cares about or before doing something.

Notice if he changes his behaviour when you are around, like making more jokes than usual or looking for your reaction when he does something.

He Remembers Small Details About You

It takes effort to know and remember minute details about you, and if he is doing this, it means he spends time thinking about you.

For instance, if he remembers small details about a previous conversation you had, it means that he enjoyed it and would like to interact with you more.

When he likes you, he will pay more attention to aspects of you and your life.

He Is Interested in Your Relationship Status and Dating Activity

As long as he is not creepy or showing stalker behaviour, a guy asking about your relationship status or showing healthy jealousy when you talk to other guys is a sure sign that he likes you.

Most guys will not be direct when inquiring about your relationship status, so watch for the indirect questions that seem to be querying your relationship status.

He Introduces You to His Friends’ Circle or Makes You Known

Being introduced to his friends’ circle should be considered one of the most significant votes of confidence.

It means he is proud to show you around and wants you to be associated with people close to him.

Another way of showing how much he likes you is by finding time to talk to you, even when he is with his friends.

That shows that you matter to him just as much as his friends.

He Shows Concern and Wants to Help You with Your Problems

Taking on someone else’s problems, especially if the relationship is not that far progressed, is a significant step in exposing one’s feelings.

If he is willing to help work through your problems, brainstorm solutions, and shows genuine concern, then there’s a good chance he likes you and cares for you.

He Tells You So

If he tells you he likes you, then there’s a good chance that is the case.

While there is a risk that he can say this while being dishonest, you can gauge his sincerity by comparing how his actions reflect this assertion.

We all need assurance about how a person we care about feels about us.

This is especially important for women who appreciate the constant assurance given by a partner.

It is natural to doubt at times and seek to ensure that the other person is being genuine.

Gauging whether someone likes you or not is relatively easy, especially if you know them well.

However, be careful not to overthink and overanalyse issues, which can, at times, strain things.